Tuesday, September 15, 2009

8 things I did not expect from my mid-thrities

I just now remembered that yesterday was Monday, and it should have been an 8 things post. I had something else in mind to write about today, but I can save that for tomorrow. I don't know why I can't save the 8 things for tomorrow... I guess the closer to Monday I post 8 things, the better. My 8 Things and Things I learned this Week are truly lifesavers- they are ready-made topics when nothing else seems interesting or relevant, so I must respect them.
Here then, are 8 things that I find wondrous and surprising about myself now that I am in my mid-thirties.

* My hair has really changed. It used to be stick-straight. Now, it's a little wavier and a lot grayer. When I first started getting gray, I thought, cool, now I can be like Bonnie Raitt. But it wasn't to be. No forelock of excellence for me. Just coarse grays mixed in willy-nilly.

* I am becoming a man. No one told me that I would get chin hair. I have an eyelash that grows right out of the bottom of my chin. I pull it out, it comes back. Also, my nose hairs are getting longer. I have to trim them. What the hell!?! I did not know about this. So not only am I becoming a man, I am becoming an old man.
I am keeping a close eye on my ears.

* It really is harder to lose weight. I used to be able to lose weight pretty much by thinking about it. Those days are over. It's too hard to change it now, so I get to love my new womanly figure.

* I forget almost more than I remember. I forget the dumbest things. Of course, none come to mind at the moment... but I am constantly marveling at the things I forget. I am 100% serious when I tell you that I have an alarm set to go off on my phone when it is time to pick my daughter up from school. Oh- I forgot I had jury duty last year. Honestly. I just forgot. I remembered by about noon on the day I was supposed to show up, and I called the jury coordinator at the courthouse, and she told me that I would have been excused anyway because the case had settled. But since I had the courtesy to call, she took my name out of the pool for this year.

* I'm noisy! My shoulders pop like bubble wrap, my knees crack and I've got a snappy hip. No way I'm sneaking up on anyone.

* I've forsaken fashion for comfort. My favorite fabric is rayon jersey... so soft and forgiving, and no need to iron. And, it's dry clean only, so.... no laundry! No more jeans or crisp cotton shirts. I'm all about skirts with elastic waists and kimono-style cardigans (which are really just public-friendly bathrobes, come on.)

* I still get zits. That is so unfair. Gray hair or acne, one or the other, I can deal with. The combination, however, is like Mother Nature pointing and laughing at me. Bitch.

* I don't understand the music these days. Yes, I said it. My feelings about auto-tune are, I guess, probably close to my parents generations' feelings about synthesizers and drum machines.
Well, I'll put my Tears for Fears and Duran Duran up against your Rascal Flatts and T-Pain. Cher gets a pass for being a pioneer.


  1. Never do away with the 8 things. I love this portion of the week. I could really relate to this post, except for the grey hair part. I'll be there some day.

  2. I have never found anyone who will tell me which to apply first: my acne lotion or my deep wrinkle cream. I still use both.
