Sunday, September 20, 2009

Things I learned this week- Busy weekend edition

So, yeah. I missed a day yesterday. I had the busiest weekend I've had in a while, and it all turned out really, really great. My dad came to visit Friday, and he spent the night. Saturday morning, we went to watch Madison play soccer in Corvallis. This was a big game for me because I got to sit and spectate, and I did not have to referee her game or any other games. Out of habit, I paced the sideline. Then, Madison and I left for Naselle, where we met my stepsister and her three kids at my parents' house. I have a new one month old nephew that is really really awesome, and Madison loved to be able to hold and feed him. She also enjoyed hanging out with her cousin who is just a couple weeks younger than her. (that's a baby toad in his hands) Then, I met my friends Heather and Erica in Astoria for lunch, and once again had a very good time. By the time Madison and I got home, she had a full-on headcold, school tomorrow is definitely a game-time decision. Here is what I learned this week:

* I learned that Wine Spectator will give a recomendation to any restaurant that pays $250.00 for an award. Here is a story
about a wince critic who set up a fake restaurant website, with a wine list made up of wines that Wine Spectator had given poor reviews to, paid the $250.00, and received an award of excellence. Not that any of that has any bearinga t all on my life...

* I learned that everything I thought I knew about succulents has been turned on its ear. A few months ago, I became inspired while reading Ready Made magazine's profile of Molly Quan and her fabulous home. She has a lot of succulents in great pots, and I thought, "hey, there is something I think I can pull off." I don't have a green thumb, at all, but I was under the impression that you can put a succulent in a pot and forget about it for a year and it will continue to look green and happy. I was thinking of cactii, I guess, because I brought home a jade plant from my mother's- (thanks mom!) and as I was packing up the car, mom made sure to put the plant in a box and tuck a pillowcase around the pot so that the plant didn't shift and or break. I figured I could just put it on the back seat and hope for the best... but no. Then, she told me to water it when I got home. I assume (but I did not ask) that today is not the annual watering day. Now that I think about it, I bet these things need a little more care than I originally suspected. What have I got myself into?!?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, here's how I get such succulant succulants: watch the leaves - when they start to look a little deflated, water the plant. The leaves should be plump and well, succulant.
    Water deep (that ugly pot I gave you drains really well), and forget about it for quite a while - maybe months. Dont put it in a hot window - they sunburn (Ask me how I know).

    Love, Mom
